Sunday, March 29, 2009

Meet Your Photographer

This is Me :) I was told my self portraits are too serious. I am not usually serious, this is more me.


Saturday, March 21, 2009

No Words to Discribe It

I shot the engagement, bridal and wedding pictures for the babies parents. They wanted me to take pictures of him when he was just a few days old. But when they brought him home from the hospital, they were only home for 3 hours when he started having seziures and they had to rush him to the hospital. He was in ICU for 4 weeks. He is 6 weeks now and finally home and seziure free for the last 4 weeks. He was very sweet and calm. It really got to me, because I have grown very close to this family with being involved in so many steps of their life. And also after just having Eden, I can not imaging going though somethink like that. It makes me so thankful at how healthy Eden has been. She is so amazing. After I left there today. I just stared at Eden and cried because I am so overwhelmed with love for her.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Fo Real

Ferrell, Ferrell, what can I say? Ferrell is always fun to work with. It has been a while, and I know you guys have been cravin you some Ferrell. Here she is.

Elizabeth, Strait up G

Elizabeth has been my best bud for a while. She was nervous about shooting me, for who knows why, because she is absolutly beautiful!

I love you Pablo

Monday, March 2, 2009

Mandy Love

More Mandy. I need more models!!